Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rambling Thoughts

When is it okay to keep secrets? What defines secrecy vs. privacy?

People choose regularly to eliminate or omit certain details about themselves and their lives. Sometimes it's for the better, to spare other people (but mainly ourselves) awkward feelings and situations.

Secrets have a tendancy to lean towards being kept because we know we've done wrong and don't want to be judged for those wrongs. Privacy is more geared toward having something for yourself that is more or less harmless and not kept from people for any reason other than it's a special thing you hold in your mind.

Where is that line drawn in the sand that is so easily blurred? When does something private become something we hold back because it is really a secret and why is it a secret? We have to look deep in our hearts to figure it out.

This is more of a post to keep us wondering about ourselves and why we do the things we do. What are our intentions? Are they true and good motives?
Are we reserved with regards to certain things in order to retain some form of self preservation or defense mechanism?

Is it good for us to keep some things bottled up? What does that do to us? Does it allow toxic parts of our past to continue to poison our hearts?

Some of us have people in our lives we can share certain things with that we won't share with other people. We should hold those people dear to our hearts, knowing that they hold parts of us that are fragile and sacred to us.

Hopefully everyone will find a person they can share all their secrets and private thoughts with for a long time. For some people it may be their parents or a sibling, for others it may be a husband or wife, some may have a long time friend or co-worker. Regardless of who falls into our lives, that we can trust, we should make sure and take a moment to appreciate them everyday.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ourselves vs. The Rest of the World

So many people don't look at the potential consequences for their actions, whether purposeful of inadvertant.

We, as a people, have this tendancy to just do with no consideration for the future. We play with other peoples (as well as our own) hearts, finances, minds, families, etc. with no regard as to how grand or minute our choices can have an impact any given situation.

Sometimes we just need to slow it down and try to see life like a game of chess. You consider every option and possible outcome in order to win the game, you sit and ponder on each possible move and the following moves that would take place thereafter. If we just rushed through the game with no regard we would be certain to never win regardless of whom we were playing.

It's ourselves vs the rest of the world, and for every action there will always be an equal and opposite reaction.

Sometimes we have to make a "snap decision" (even though I don't really believe in decisions). But most of the time we really aren't rushed by anyone but ourselves. If we could just look at the cause and effect of each of our options, better choices could be made and foolish mistakes could probably be prevented.

There doesn't need to be a rush on everything.

Is it really going to change so drastically in fifteen minutes that we cannot take the time to truly evaluate the possible outcomes and make a wise choice? Probably not.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is this how it's supposed to be?

So, there you stand, embracing life as it's taking place every day. When you're jolted awake by reality! You thought you were awake before but all of the sudden you see a new you and a new path that wasn't exposed before; a path that you weren't capable of seeing because you never considered anything remotely close to it as an option for you.

Funny, isn't it, how one person or situation can cause a moment of revelation and your eyes are suddenly opened to a different direction that's available.

There should be a name for this split second in life when your options expand.

You have a choice to continue down the path that was comfortable and happy, that you were already headed, or to take a road you've never travelled and see if it will bring you even more joy. It takes a brave and adventurous soul to take the leap of faith and step off the beaten path.

Have you ever met a person with whom there is an undeniable connection?  Someone you know (with every atom of your being) that you've known forever and have been waiting your whole life to meet all at the same time?

Is this how it's supposed to be?

Sunday, February 6, 2011


There are many things that come from deep within our heart and brain.


Unfortunately, our heart and brain also allow us the polar opposites of such positive feelings. There will usually be a fairly good balance of the Yin and Yang.


The human heart is an amazing, diverse thing. As is the human brain.

Our minds (which try to analyze and reason) in combination with our hearts (which only feel) are supposed to guide us on a positive, seemingly fulfilling path through our lives. If there isn't a balance between mental and spiritual desire things are most certainly bound for failure.

Let's take a look at the Scarecrow vs. the Tin Man for just a minute.  Scarecrow has no brains but has the all the ability in the world to love and feel for his friends. Tin Man has no heart; he is all logic and lacking ability to make a decision based on feelings.

It seems as though this is not going anywhere, and maybe it's not, but next time you sense one or the other of these going on within yourself try to be what you are not feeling or reasoning. If you are all emotion, pretend you are Tin Man. If you are all logic and not capable of any sympathy (or at the least empathy) be Scarecrow for a minute.

See if there is the ability to balance the two within you to make a whole and right choice by seeing the entire picture.