Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rambling Thoughts

When is it okay to keep secrets? What defines secrecy vs. privacy?

People choose regularly to eliminate or omit certain details about themselves and their lives. Sometimes it's for the better, to spare other people (but mainly ourselves) awkward feelings and situations.

Secrets have a tendancy to lean towards being kept because we know we've done wrong and don't want to be judged for those wrongs. Privacy is more geared toward having something for yourself that is more or less harmless and not kept from people for any reason other than it's a special thing you hold in your mind.

Where is that line drawn in the sand that is so easily blurred? When does something private become something we hold back because it is really a secret and why is it a secret? We have to look deep in our hearts to figure it out.

This is more of a post to keep us wondering about ourselves and why we do the things we do. What are our intentions? Are they true and good motives?
Are we reserved with regards to certain things in order to retain some form of self preservation or defense mechanism?

Is it good for us to keep some things bottled up? What does that do to us? Does it allow toxic parts of our past to continue to poison our hearts?

Some of us have people in our lives we can share certain things with that we won't share with other people. We should hold those people dear to our hearts, knowing that they hold parts of us that are fragile and sacred to us.

Hopefully everyone will find a person they can share all their secrets and private thoughts with for a long time. For some people it may be their parents or a sibling, for others it may be a husband or wife, some may have a long time friend or co-worker. Regardless of who falls into our lives, that we can trust, we should make sure and take a moment to appreciate them everyday.

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