Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How Life Changes

Very interesting that over the last year since I have blogged anything my life has changed substantially.

I had an epiphany at one point about a year ago that prompted me to make some radical lifestyle changes and really evaluate my beliefs and how I've been living my life. I know what is good and right in me and I know where my weaknesses lie.

I went through a very difficult time trying to sort out myself but finally came to the realization that I had to make it different and noone was going to do it for me.

I work out now not to count calories or try to fit in a size 6 or anything like that. I work out because I want to be able to protect myself and my child. I need to know that if I have to haul my 40 pound kiddo for 20 miles to get to water I can.

The United States of America is no longer free. We're slowly having our rights stripped and being forced to submit. I refuse. I started storing food after I had to go to the food bank when I lost my job. So, now I figure what better way to utilize the subsidies that my governement is providing.

I've started a site to assist anybody that needs a little motivation or suggestions on how to build a 72 hour kit, a go bag, or bug-out bag. There's detailed checklist on what a person should have in a first aid kit and how much water you should have on hand. My family thinks I'm nuts to an extent. But when my mom (who lives in a senior home) lost power for a week in Ohio in July 2012 all the sudden she didn't think I was so crazy. She had no water, all the residents food went bad in their fridge and they were depending on the government. When she finally had service restored she called me and told me she was sorry and has since began taking my advice.


That is the site that I built after I realized that I should have been more vocal about how important it is to have certain supplies on hand in case of an emergency. Now most of my siblings have heeded my advice.

It is irrelevant where you live. You may very well need these things someday and probably sooner then you think. As I write this right now the stores down south have empty shelves!! The residents of Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia and Florida are bracing for another hurricane.

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