Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ourselves vs. The Rest of the World

So many people don't look at the potential consequences for their actions, whether purposeful of inadvertant.

We, as a people, have this tendancy to just do with no consideration for the future. We play with other peoples (as well as our own) hearts, finances, minds, families, etc. with no regard as to how grand or minute our choices can have an impact any given situation.

Sometimes we just need to slow it down and try to see life like a game of chess. You consider every option and possible outcome in order to win the game, you sit and ponder on each possible move and the following moves that would take place thereafter. If we just rushed through the game with no regard we would be certain to never win regardless of whom we were playing.

It's ourselves vs the rest of the world, and for every action there will always be an equal and opposite reaction.

Sometimes we have to make a "snap decision" (even though I don't really believe in decisions). But most of the time we really aren't rushed by anyone but ourselves. If we could just look at the cause and effect of each of our options, better choices could be made and foolish mistakes could probably be prevented.

There doesn't need to be a rush on everything.

Is it really going to change so drastically in fifteen minutes that we cannot take the time to truly evaluate the possible outcomes and make a wise choice? Probably not.


  1. In life, as in chess, forethought wins. ~ Charles Buxton

  2. Amy, I love it... I wish I had been the one to say that... Damn that Charles Buxton!! He beat me to it.
