Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ebb and Flow...

So, as people come and go, like the ebb and flow of the tides, through our lives we should be learning valuable lessons from them.

How is it possible to come across a person so similar to ourselves. Someone that we are immediately drawn too. Someone that is on the same mission in life. We look at them and see ourselves in their eyes. Either past self or future self, the consistancies are still there. It seems as though they are what we were or what we are hoping to become. Yet, still drawn to them because we want to help them or want to get help from them.

Then there are people that we have no common ground to start from. Who are on an unenlightened journey through their lives. Because there's such a difference in level toward Nirvana, we don't take the time to try to learn from these people and we should.

What makes a person's life and experiences any less valuble to us (as far as a tool for learning goes)? Is it simply because we think we've already passed those tests and learned those lessons that we don't bother to take a refresher course on them? Maybe we should step back and look at what they have to offer. Sometimes it seems that even the ones we think there will be no connection with are the ones who end up staying in our lives for years to come. In reality just the opposite is true, once we take the time to get to know what they are able to bring to the table we suddenly have tons to learn from them.

Life's lessons are unpredictable. We don't see where they come from or when they will be coming or what form they will take. It's easy to allow the ones into our lives that we know we will benefit from; not so easy to put ourselves out there for the ones that we think we are beyond.

Planes of existance are many and we're all on a different one but we are all living only one life right now. Let's make the most of it. Take whoever and whatever comes to you during your journey and extract as much as possible from their character or that particular situation and apply it to yourself the most positive way you know how.

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