Thursday, January 20, 2011

From Caterpillar to Butterfly

I feel as if I'm reaching a pinnacle moment in my life. I am so young but so very happy with my choices thus far. But, I'm on the verge of something big... I can feel it and it's frustrating because I just want it to happen already! It's inevitable.

I'm not sure the form this big thing is going to take or how it may impact my life. I know I will be tested and it will be one of those moments when you know that the wrong choice will alter your life. I've got to choose wisely when that time comes. I hope I will because of the positive transformation my soul has gone through in the last year.

It's as if for the first time in my life I am alive and living. It's been an awakening. I'm able to look at life with an almost totally objective view.

This blossoming has allowed me to give more of me to myself, my son, my friends and coworkers. Which has in turn allowed me to receive so much more then I expected and it's as if it's compounding. That whole snowball effect of positive things is taking place. If I encourage it and don't do anything to slow it down with bad choices think of how much more I will accomplish in my life with Karma on my side.

I will continue to metamorphosis into a better person every day and with every decision big or small.

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